We all know the alcohol is not good for our bodies. A lot of us have been in the situation when a pounding headache or a hangover makes us swear off alcohol. Of course, most of us are back in the same situation within a matter of time. There are many things that can happen to your body, though, when you stop drinking that may encourage you to put the glass down forever.
Immediately after giving up alcohol, your body will begin detoxing, normalizing your sugar. This will help you feel less depressed and more clearheaded. You also have the immediate benefit of saving money.
Alcohol is not good for your sleeping habits. Though it may help you go to sleep initially, it is more likely you will need to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Alcohol can also make you dehydrated, meaning you will wake up needing to drink some water. By simply giving up alcohol, your sleep may improve within a week’s time.
Alcohol irritates the lighting in your stomach and can cause reflux. Giving up alcohol can remove all symptoms of reflux.
Within two weeks, you will likely begin losing weight. Alcohol has a significant number of calories. These calories include no nutrition, too, making them worse for you. By taking alcohol out of your diet and living a healthy lifestyle, will see the weight drop off quickly.
Your blood pressure can be raised by drinking too much alcohol. Then the calories can also cause you to gain weight, thus increasing your blood pressure more. Simply quitting alcohol can reduce your blood pressure.
Your skin will also greatly benefit when you stop drinking. Alcohol is toxic to your skin and causes it to be less elastic, aging your skin quickly. When you stop drinking, your skin will look better.
Within two months, your liver will drastically improve. Drinking excessively can cause your liver to become inflamed. This can lead to a silent disease known as alcoholic hepatitis. This disease is not felt its early stages, but it can lead to a permanent condition known as cirrhosis. You can also develop fatty liver, a condition that occurs when the liver begins turning glucose into fat. When you stop drinking, your liver function will be improved and began functioning normally, if it has not been damaged severely.
Drinking heavily can cause your blood cells to enlarge, restricting them from efficiently transporting oxygen throughout your body. This can cause you to become tired. Within three months of giving up drinking, your blood cells will begin renewing. This will give you more energy and help you be healthier.
As you can see, there are many benefits to stop drinking. If you need help, Coastline Behavioral Health can give you the tools you need to stop drinking. Give us a call today.
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