About Heroin Anonymous
Drug addiction can lead a person down a dark and lonely path. Everyone around the addict may feel helpless as they watch their loved one become lost in their addiction. Whether your loved one suffers from drug problems, such as heroin addiction or alcoholism, you can encourage them to seek drug and alcohol treatment in Huntington Beach, CA. Those who are addicted to heroin will benefit from Heroin Anonymous. Just like Alcoholics Anonymous, this group follows the 12-step program to recovery. It is also based on sponsorship to provide ongoing support to the recovering addict. Heroin Anonymous consists of men and women who band together to provide support to recovering addicts through regular meetings.
Recovery is an ongoing process for anyone suffers from addiction, no matter if it’s an addiction to alcohol, heroin or other substance. All too often, addicts will relapse for various reasons. However, the chance of relapse is greatly reduced if they have a support system in place. Heroin Anonymous is a great resource for support through regular meetings and sponsorship. A person can benefit from Heroin Anonymous during their treatment and also throughout their recovery. It is worthwhile for recovering addicts to attend meetings even years after they’ve received addiction treatment because the group helps them to keep focused on staying clean and provides support from other recovering addicts.
Signs and Symptoms of Heroin Addiction
- A rush that gives them a high
- Warm and calm feelings
- Increased confidence and a sense of well-being
- A heavy feeling in the arms and legs
- Track marks and bruising at the injection site, most commonly on the arms
- Skin infections
- Heart troubles
- Diseased organs to include the kidneys and liver
- Collapsed veins from repeated injections
- Foggy mental state
- Being lethargic for several hours
- Decreased breathing and heart rate
- Alternating between periods of sleep and wakefulness