Detox & Drug Rehab In Orange County

Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

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Facts About Meth

Meth, or Methamphetamine, is a stimulant that works within an individual’s brain and central nervous system. First designed for use in cold medications, specifically in decongestants and inhalers for asthma. Since meth is as a child drug of amphetamine, it can cause some similar effects in individuals. People using meth tend to be overly active, sometimes talking excessively and demonstrating hyperactivity. Along with these symptoms of meth use, feelings of pleasure can also occur, making it more attractive to use outside prescribed doses. Meth addiction can occur quickly as meth is considered to be one of the more addictive stimulants available on the street or by prescription.

Some ways meth differs from amphetamines are the concentration and potency of methamphetamine, which are much greater than prescription amphetamines. Meth is also a longer lasting stimulant and can cause more damage to the brain with repeated use. While methamphetamine is legally available through prescription for the treatment of certain medical conditions, most struggling with meth withdrawal have obtained the drug through other channels, most likely from the street. Meth is sold in different forms. It is often a fine powder that can be dissolved quickly in water or other liquids such as alcohol.

Meth Abuse

Meth sold on the streets comes in a few different formulas that can be taken different ways by the meth addict. Some are powder that can be snorted or mixed and taken by injection. Others can be smoked or taken orally. Something interesting to note; depending on the specific location across America, the preferred choice of meth abuse will vary. Meth addiction and meth withdrawal start with the repeated use of meth and it’s constant presence in the body. Because meth does not clear the body as quickly as other illicit substances, the risk of side effects and dangerous physical consequences is quite high. The rush or high that comes when an individual abuses meth can be quickly followed by a period of meth withdrawal symptoms. It is quite common for meth addicts to take the drug repeatedly for days, even missing meals and sleep, just to enjoy the sensation of being high.

Meth Withdrawal Symptoms

When an individual who has been using meth extensively begins to taper down or stop altogether, the withdrawal symptoms associated with meth addiction will begin quickly. This is especially true for heavy meth users and those abusing meth for longer periods of time. the actual withdrawal process from meth addiction can be extremely painful and cause addict’s trauma if not handled correctly within a meth detox center in Huntington Beach. When individuals attempt to stop using meth, the withdrawal process can be so uncomfortable that they often seek more meth to stop the meth withdrawal.

The success rate for individuals with meth addictions attempting to go through meth detox without medical supervision or help is small. Because of the way meth withdrawal effects the body, any meth addict should seek help from inpatient drug rehab in Huntington Beach rather than going solo. Meth detox is the process of removing all toxic chemicals from the body, allowing drug treatment programs designed for lasting recovery to begin. With medically supervised drug detox, patients are ensured that their condition and progress will be monitored by medical professionals.

The exact symptoms of meth withdrawal will be different from individual to individual. Should the meth addict also be using other illicit drugs or drinking alcohol, the withdrawal process can be more difficult. Some of the common symptoms of meth withdrawal are the following:

  • Increased fatigue
  • Changes in appetite
  • Agitation
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Paranoia
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Slurred speech
  • Lack of drive
  • Hallucinations
  • Drug cravings
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