About Probation and Legal Support
Coastline Behavioral Health offers a court and probation approved drug and alcohol treatment program. Working in partnership with many reputable attorneys that specialize in drug and alcohol cases, our clients are able to meet the requirements for their probation and/or court-ordered rehab. This includes court representation and transportation to local courts for hearings. We also provide weekly updates and letters to client-attorney representatives and probation officers to meet the conditions of court-ordered treatment.
Drug Testing and Monitoring
All clients are tested via a 12-panel urine analysis (UA) test on the day of admission. Throughout their course treatment, all clients are UA tested three times a week and breathalyzed at the end of each day. Coastline Behavioral Health has a zero-tolerance policy. Random drug tests and sweeps of homes are conducted to ensure the safety and compliance of all clients under our care.
Program Meetings
We will provide local transportation to court-ordered School 10 or other DUI education classes. All clients also have mandatory, supervised attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and/or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meeting seven days a week. Signature cards can be provided.
We Are Here to Help
Coastline Behavioral Health’s local drug treatment centers is among the best in the country. While Southern California is nationally recognized as the “Mecca” for addiction treatment there are just a few Orange County rehab facilities that excel as true pioneers in the industry. Though we usually hear stories riddled with tragedy, trauma, shame, fear, guilt, and inadequacies surrounding a client’s legal issues, we listen carefully and look for the survival skills and the strength embedded in the pain and self-destructive behaviors. We do not disregard the client’s story, but also do not dwell on their past. In addition to listening for underlying patterns, we desire encouraging stories about the ways the clients have coped so far. We applaud the resilience they have shown thus far in surviving and choosing to seek help instead of continuing on the self-sabotaged path they have been on.