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Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

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Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
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About Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Dialectical behavioral therapies are a string of components that have been modified from CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy. The inventor of this style of therapy found that therapists who were battling with their patients, and that made it very hard for them to remain focused on treatment. Their patients often saw them as adversaries, and this made the relationship between therapist and patient too acrimonious to be effective. DBT was designed so that the two would have to work together to get the results that the patient needs.

DBT is one of the best ways to treat addiction because it addresses all the problems that people have when they are addicts. Addicts who have been to a treatment facility might need to ask about how DBT works, and this also means that the patient has multiple options for treatment. The patient is not forced into one treatment plan or another, and they can take control of their recovery. The patient works closely with their therapist, and they create a recovery plan as a team.

Goals of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Dialectical therapy goals include allowing the therapist and the patient to work together. The two people are forced to work together because they both already know the dialectical therapy goals. They will change their goals as the patient improves, and the ultimate goal is to get the patient out of therapy entirely. Someone who has started this plan should ask their therapist if they have specific goals that they need to work on first. The two will work from a schedule that helps them check out each issue as it is handled. The therapist can show the patient how much progress they have made, and the patient has tangible goals that they know they could reach. The patient could make new friends, start to exercise or change the places where they hang out. They might make amends for past transgressions, or the patient could get a new job. Every goal should be listed so that the two can work on them together.

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Types of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

The types of DBT actually break up into different modules. An addiction center therapy program could use one or all of these modules to help patients. These modules are intriguing because they encompass different parts of the patient’s life, and they ask the patient to take action in each setting.



Mindfulness exercises are used to show the patient why they are turning to their addiction to cope. These people will take time during the day to realize what it is that they are going through that is causing problems, and they can recognize the feelings that they have towards their addiction in those moments. Because of this, the patient can stop themselves from using, or the patient could report to their therapist that they feel they need to use in certain situations.



Acceptance exercises help the patient thing of the past and the present in a way that is not destructive. The acceptance exercises that people use will have them look at things in their past that they cannot change, and they can learn to accept the things that are happening to them in the present that they cannot change. The purpose of acceptance is to give the patient a way to get past what is bothering them. They might even use the serenity prayer so that they can remind themselves that they cannot change everything.


What Questions

What questions allow people to ask what it is that is causing their problems. People who are willing to ask what questions will get to the bottom of their problems. They might find that they could use what questions to ask what is happening in the present, or they might ask what it was that caused them to start abusing substances in the past. What questions could be assigned by the therapist or the patient could begin to ask questions that they will forward to their therapist.


How Questions

How questions force the patient to wonder how they will solve their problems. The patient cannot spiral out of control thinking that they cannot make choices. How questions have the patient think of what they can do right now that will change their life. The therapist might assign some questions, but the patient is asked to write these questions on cards so that they can refer to them in the future.

Addiction Recovery and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

An addiction center therapy program might offer DBT because it allows the people who are in therapy to feel like they are in control of something that is not an addictive substance. Many people are addicts because it gives them control over their lives, but they need to give up that control in favor of working on controlling their therapy. Dialectical behavioral benefits include the many modules that are used for treatment. These modules work well because they provide people with many chances to get the care that they need. There are many people who will want to use all four of these modules at the same time, but they need to learn how to use each of these modules in the right way.

Individual Therapy

The individual therapy that people get will help them talk through their problems while getting the exact amount of personal attention they need. There are many people who will need a lot of therapy, and they feel better when they can talk in a private place about anything that has come to mind. This is where private matters are shared, and this is where the patient needs to feel comfortable so they can work through their problems.

Group Therapy

The group therapy sessions that people go to will help them talk to those who are just like them. DBT group therapy is fantastic because it allows people to get the perspective that they need when they are dealing with their problems.

Team Meetings

Team meetings talk about dialectical behavioral benefits because the therapist, a doctor, and family members all come together to talk about what the patient needs. Everyone can share their ideas in these meetings, and they will feel as though they have a chance of making a full treatment plan. The doctors can share information, and the patient can learn things that they might not have known at all in the past.

Phone Sessions

Phone sessions are helpful to patients who are not in a treatment facility. The patients should be sure to only call when they need real assistance, and their therapists will answer. DBT therapists know that phone coaching is helpful, but it does not take that long. Patients who are in real distress must go to a true therapy session.

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