Facts About Clonidine
Clonidine is part of a class referred to as anti-hypertensives which are frequently prescribed for the treatment of opiate withdrawal. Clonidine is a prescription medication that is also commonly prescribed for conditions such as hypertension, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and alcohol withdrawal symptoms. It is important to understand that clonidine is not a cure for addiction but rather a solution for controlling drug withdrawal symptoms. As with all medications for addiction used for treatment, clonidine is most effective when combined with inpatient rehab in Huntington Beach and participation in support groups developed for addiction recovery.
Clonidine works by changing specific brain nerve impulses that cause the blood vessels throughout the body to relax. When blood vessels relax, blood flow increases while blood pressure drops. When used to treat high blood pressure, clonidine helps address the stress that an individual’s organs experience when pressures are too high. Clonidine for addiction treatment works to reduce many of the more uncomfortable symptoms of opiate detox. Some of these symptoms are sweating, restless behaviors, anxiety, excessive tearing and body temperature fluctuations.
Clonidine for Addiction Withdrawal
While clonidine was not developed specifically for the treatment of opiate addiction, the addition of clonidine to drug treatment programs in Huntington Beach have been quite successful. When speaking to intake counselors at Coastline Rehab Centers, taking time to talk over your choices of medication for addiction is important. As heroin addiction and opiate withdrawal symptoms can be more severe compared to other illicit drugs, clonidine can work well to curb symptoms of abuse. While clonidine will not work to stop drug cravings, the relief it offers recovering addicts is effective. Some of the more common symptoms of drug withdrawal are the following:
- Agitation
- Muscle aches and pains
- Stomach cramps
- Diarrhea and nausea
- Vomiting
- Dilated pupils
- Anxiety
- Excessive tearing
- Sweating with goosebumps
- Uncontrolled yawning
- Stuffy, runny nose
Clonidine for Addiction Treatment.
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Clonidine and Illicit Drug Addictions
Clonidine has become one of the more commonly prescribed medications for addiction withdrawal, especially for heroin detoxification. During heroin detox the body goes through period of purging harmful drugs and their toxins from the system. This process can be grueling for individuals without the aid of addiction medications and treatments. The length of an individual’s opiate withdrawal will depend directly on the length of use and the amount of abuse. Whether clients are merely drug dependent or full-blown heroin addicts, the process of detoxification must happen before inpatient heroin rehab in Huntington Beach can begin.
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Clonidine Side Effects
Most clients prescribed clonidine for opiate addiction withdrawal symptoms do not have major issues with the potential side effects of the drug. However, some may have severe symptoms following even their first dose of clonidine. Everybody metabolizes drugs, specifically prescription drugs, differently. For some, the relief from OxyContin withdrawal symptoms more than compensates for some of the lesser side effects. Patients who come to our Huntington Beach detoxification and rehab center are monitored closely by our staff while drug treatment begins and progresses. We do this to protect our clients from any unexpected side effects such as the following:
- Headaches and dizziness
- Allergic reactions
- Increased anxiety
- Labored, slowed respirations
- Agitation
- Irritability
- Body rashes
- Unusual drowsiness
- Swelling of body parts
- Moodiness
- Cold hands and feet
- Increased blood pressure
- Shaking of the hands, feet, and body
- Digestion issues
- Dry mouth
- Cold symptoms
- Fever and hot flashes
- Sexual dysfunction