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About Morphine Addiction

Morphine is derived from the opium poppy and is an analgesic drug that is used in the treatment of severe pain. Morphine is powerful and is one of the more commonly used drugs for pain management in hospitals. This drug binds itself to the opioid receptors within an individuals brain and affects the way the central nervous system relates to painful stimuli. Morphine will disturb normal brain chemistry and cause a surge of dopamine to be released, causing a euphoria that can become addictive for many. As a result of this chemical release, the body responds by slowing respirations and heart rate, which can increase the pleasant, calm feelings. Morphine addiction can occur as the individual continues to use the drug.

When morphine is taken recreationally, the chemical changes in the brain can become more problematic and lasting. This can cause the natural release of chemicals to slow, creating a situation where the individual is no longer able to experience pleasure unless they are taking morphine. Morphine addiction always begins with the development of tolerance to the drug. As the person builds this tolerance, the amount of drug needed to obtain the same pleasurable high is increased. Once this happens, the individual will begin to obsess about their next high and drug seeking behaviors will become more obvious to those around them. Should you notice that your loved one is using morphine or other opiate drugs, contact us for inpatient drug rehab in Huntington Beach today.

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Morphine Addiction vs Dependence

While it is true that not every individual that develops a morphine dependence will become addicted to morphine, the risk of morphine addiction is very high. Anytime an individual uses an opioid drug outside therapeutic purposes, and sometimes even within acceptable thresholds, there is a chance that addiction will develop. Morphine crosses the blood brain barrier very quickly when smoked, injected or inhaled and the immediate impact on the body can be sudden and severe. The risk of an overdose is great as the drug acts to suppress respirations and heart rate.

Morphine Addiction Signs and Symptoms

  • Drops in blood pressure
  • Extreme sedation
  • Drowsiness
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Constricted Pupils
  • Drops in blood pressure
  • Extreme sedation
  • Drowsiness
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Constricted Pupils

Ready to speak with a counselor about Opiate Addictions? 

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