The Coastline Family
Recovery is a journey that we take hand in hand with our clients through their treatment and long after they leave our program. Our clients are like family and our powerful bonds can help keep you sober during the ups and downs of life. We hope you continue to experience true joy and embrace life without limitations.
Alumni Meetings
We look forward to continuing to share your newfound freedom from the grip of addiction and exploring what life has to offer you continue your journey in sobriety. We host weekly alumni meetings at our office in Huntington Beach, CA. These are considered closed meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous and all attendees will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement to protect the privacy of our clients.
Stories of Hope
Read our latest inspirations from clients who share their experience, strength and hope about their recovery.
Alumni Events
If you would like to be included on alumni list, send us your name, phone number and sobriety date to Let us know if you are interested in speaking at an alumni meeting as your personal story could change the life of someone struggling to stay sober.