Detox & Drug Rehab In Orange County

Crack Addict

June 22, 2017
Crack Addicts & Dependency Crack cocaine is a very addictive drug that stimulates the brain and can be very pleasurable to the user. This drug is very dangerous, though. There’s a very thin line between occasionally using crack cocaine and being a Crack addict. Some users, after a single hit, will become addicted. There are […]

Crack Addicts & Dependency

Crack cocaine is a very addictive drug that stimulates the brain and can be very pleasurable to the user. This drug is very dangerous, though. There’s a very thin line between occasionally using crack cocaine and being a Crack addict. Some users, after a single hit, will become addicted. There are a few signs to look for to determine if you or someone you love is a crack addict. These include losing interest in activities that were formerly enjoyed, spending a significant amount of money on the drug, or believing that using crack cocaine is the only way to beat depression and feel normal. A crack addict may also begin withdrawing from family and friends.

Addiction To Crack 

Crack cocaine is physically and psychologically addictive. A crack addict will have a difficult time trying to stop the addiction to crack on their own. By immersing themselves in a treatment program, such as the one at Coastline Behavioral Health, an addict can successfully overcome their addiction.

Dependency and Tolerance

Dependency on crack cocaine can develop on the first use or over time. By repeatedly using the drug, the normal reward system of your brain is altered, creating a physical dependence on the drug. In the brain of someone who is not an addict, dopamine is released from the cells when something pleasurable is encountered. This only lasts for a few minutes, though, so the brain can respond to something pleasurable later. The dopamine is interrupted by cocaine so the pleasurable stimulant lasts longer. Unfortunately, a cocaine user must increase the amount of crack cocaine they are using to get the same effect over time since the brain adapts to the cocaine and builds a tolerance to it.

Psychological dependence can happen when an addict associates crack cocaine with their preferred lifestyle. Since most crack addicts use the drug with others, crack cocaine is associated with them having a good time.


Most crack cocaine users begin using the drug to have a good time. There many psychiatric problems that come along with the drug, though. These include delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, agitation, violence, as well as thinking that can be homicidal and suicidal. If you are a crack addict, give us a call today so we can help you on the road to recovery.

Tags: Drug Addiction, Treatment Centers

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