Detox & Drug Rehab In Orange County

Women’s Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Women's Rehab
What We Treat
Women’s Dual Diagnosis Treatment

About Dual Diagnosis Treatment In Women

The National Institute on Drug Abuse has released studies that indicate that more that half of individuals that struggle with substance abuse also have mental illness issues. Women seem especially susceptible to mood altering side effects associated with drug addiction and especially heroin addiction issues. While the exact nature of the relationship between addiction and mental illness are not clear, there are a few assumptions. To better understand dual diagnosis treatment options it is important to understand how mental illness and addictive behaviors are linked to one another.

One of the first theories that points to a connection is the idea that specific drugs, like marijuana and cocaine, cause chemical reactions within the female brain that can trigger responses such as psychosis or depression. Dual diagnosis treatment in women is on the rise as the rate of heroin addiction and meth addicts are seeking treatment in women’s inpatient rehab centers across Orange County, CA.

Opiates can cause permanent brain chemistry changes by limiting the release of dopamine and serotonin, both chemicals needed for mood balancing. The resulting drop in natural mood elevating chemicals may trigger mental health issues for women abusing drugs. For women who find themselves dealing with alcohol and anxiety the need for dual diagnosis treatment at a detox center can be life changing.


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More About Dual Diagnosis

A second assumption about the connection between drug addiction and mental health issues is the reality that women already dealing with depression or anxiety are more likely to abuse drugs such as suboxone, heroin, and meth. Women are often more in tune with their minds and bodies, and therefore are more likely to address feelings of loneliness, loss or worry by self-medicating.

This self-medicating does not treat the underlying mental health issues a women is feeling, and can perpetuate the need for dual diagnosis treatment in a rehab center near Huntington Beach. When a meth user or someone struggling with opiates dependence is looking for help, drug addiction treatment in our high quality drug rehab for women can be the answer. Real recovery from dual diagnosis is possible.


The last association that many researchers within the field of addiction and mental illness cite is the fact that both carry the same risk factors. Women who deal with high levels of stress in their lives are much more prone to conditions such as depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Stress that is unrelieved can push women to seek solace in drugs or alcohol and also impact long term mental stability. Studies have also showed that when women experience domestic or sexual abuse, the risk of substance abuse and mental illness are greatly increased.

Dual diagnosis treatment for women is an important aspect of Coastline’s drug rehab program in Huntington Beach, CA. Our therapists and counselors are trained to address the special needs of women who find themselves battling both mental illness and opiate addiction at the same time. Should you need a rehab center for alcoholism or heroin detox in Orange County, we urge you to reach out to one of our dual diagnosis treatment counselors today. Coastline Behavior Health’s rehab for women provides a safe, secure recovery program for substance abuse and co-existing mental health issues.


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