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Support Groups

About Support Groups

When looking at the risk factors for relapse, regular involvement in support groups such as 12-step groups greatly increases the likelihood of continued sobriety. There are many types of recovery groups such Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Cocaine Anonymous (CA), Heroin Anonymous (HA), Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA), Marijuana Anonymous (MA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and Pills Anonymous (PA). Meeting locations and times are available online.

12 Step Meetings

Individuals that are involved in a 12-Step program commit to attending regular AA meetings in their local communities. Each meeting begins with introductions which include welcoming new members and sharing stories of personal addiction and recovery journeys. The basic opening introduction of oneself is the following: “Hello, my name is (first name), and I am an alcoholic (heroin addict, meth addict…). My last drink/drug was (length of time).”

The reason for this informal introduction is to keep the meeting intimate. This personal, confidential and informal opening allows those individuals attending to engage with each other in a healthy, supportive manner. Every AA meeting is confidential and keeping the information shared within the group setting is a code for all attendees. Those that are newer to sobriety are encouraged to attend regular meetings and to also get a sponsor that will provide support while helping the newcomer through the 12 steps.

SMART Recovery

SMART Recovery focuses on a 4-point program that can be applied to many different addictions including alcohol abuse and drug addiction. Group meetings are available in most communities and online support is also available. Message boards allow group members to post questions and read through answers to offer self-support skills. The basic premise of SMART Recovery is that all chemical dependence issues are learned behaviors that can be addressed using four behavioral tools that include enhancing motivation, refusing to act on urges to use, managing life’s problems in a sensible and effective way without substances,  and developing a positive, balanced and healthy lifestyle.


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Addiction Support Groups for Women


Addiction support groups were designed to care for all women who desire a new way of living after the hurt and the pain of addiction. Fighting substance abuse alone is a sure way to fail or struggle in dysfunctional habits. Woman play many roles that cause them to be nurturing beings. Working takes up most of our schedule. It takes a great woman to also care for her mate and kids. Also, many depend on the love and respect we receive through a healthy environment. We all need each other to survive this crazy world. There are required amounts of support groups for women to sustain the need to reach for the stars. We all wake up every day to do better. Avoiding drugs is such a life-changing occurrence for some woman.

There is definitely a strong need for supporting women in rehab. Drugs and alcohol can destroy and kill. However, at a women’s addiction support group, a holistic approach is used to bring serenity to what may seem like a recipe for disaster. More women than men need companionship during recovery. It takes women longer to kick the habit because women are faced with so many responsibilities on a daily. A woman’s mental health is at stake when drugs are painted in the picture. The need for rehabilitation is greater when her mental health is compromised. Again, strength and willpower are crucial in re-building her new beginning. The cost of treatment can range. Some federal programs cover fees. In addition, medical insurance will cover some or all of the cost. It is a good idea to check with a healthcare professional for more details.

In order to stay sober, every woman who is serious about her recovery must attend any meeting they possibly can. Commitment creates stability in any situation. Accordingly, if she dedicates more time to guarding her recovery, the people around her will reap her rewards as well. Everyone is affected by a person who continues to deal with a particular substance. Attendance is essential for family members too. Being side by side with someone who is emotionally affected by substance abuse can mean a world of difference.

As a woman prepares to restore herself, support groups for women allow her to take control of her inner circle and beyond. Depression can attack and remind her of all of the horrible decisions she has made. She feels most important when her self-worth does not feel compromised. This is why supporting women in rehab exist. Programs are needed to maintain balance and sobriety. She shouldn’t ever try to go it alone. Statistics show that females work harder to avoid relapse. She is more likely to overcome addiction with a team of individuals cheering her the whole way through her process. Every day matters when it comes to a speedy and healthy recovery.

Women’s Support Groups for Healing

Turning around bad habits is not an easy task and dysfunctional behavior for long periods of time may have become a new normal. Not surprisingly, a women’s addiction support group can rest trajectory when starting a new life. Although many groups offer a connection, it is appropriate to connect with individuals that are going through similar issues. Renew and discover a new day. Rehabilitation gives hope where there is none. All women deserve a chance to fight for their dignity. Keeping full sobriety is a sensitive matter. The right people are trained to help with guiding woman along the way. There is addiction recovery for women that is one step away. Why should anyone walk alone on this journey of hope? Self-worth, re-building, and identifying ways to heal a broken spirit are just some of the topics up for discussion at the rehab for addiction for women.


There are moments in a woman’s life that require additional help and support. Woman’s addiction support groups bring together those women who desire meaningful and powerful input while on their sobriety journey. Some things we have done may not be our proudest moments, and having the opportunity to share these personal issues with other women going through the same thing can bring incredible healing. Many of us have come from places of deep hurt and shame. It is often a spiraling out of control that brings us to a point where we must confront and change our patterns.


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